We are a company that specializes in all types of Identification Bracelets for Hospitality, Events, Water Parks, or any place that requires security and control. We have a wide range of bracelet models to suit the specific preferences of each of our clients, ranging from the most economical, such as TYVEK, which is an excellent option for control purposes.
Moreover, the bracelets can be personalized, enhancing the visibility of your logo, whether it’s for a hotel or any kind of event. We offer artisanal bracelets, vinyl, and more, all of which can be customized. We provide various types of personalization:
– Full-color
– Invisible Ink
– Barcode or QR Code
– Reverse Printing, and more.
Additional benefits include:
– Branding generation (Advertising)
– Social Media Advertising
– Prevention of counterfeiting